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Stainless steel cold rolled price continue rise up!

Recently, the 201 cold rolling began to pull up the rhythm, the agency generally reflects the lack of resources, is the greater support of price rise!

304 Stainless Steel cold rolled price callback, 201 stainless steel cold rolled price continue rise up!

Today morning, early 304 Stainless Steel cold rolling price is a little bit moderate, most agents pull up 100 Yuan/ton, but others price flat, the agent express delivery, the transaction is significantly less than the previous days. But 201 stainless steel cold rolled price generally rise up!

Wuxi market 201 stainless steel cold rolled price rise up 100 Yuan/ton again, Angang LISCO LH stainless steel cold rolled price rise up 100 Yuan/ton, price is 10300 Yuan/ton, Hongwang/Chengde price flat, the agents price is 10200-10300 Yuan/ton, Bao steel stainless steel cold rolled price is 10200-10250 Yuan/ton, the agency said the transaction is also good, the market price has been heating up!

Keyword: stainless steel market, 304 stainless steel cold rolled sheet price, 201 stainless steel cold rolled sheet price.