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304 five feet stainless steel cold rolling resources less

September 25th

Wuxi market new, today Wuxi market 304 stainless steel cold rolled price continue fall down, 304 Stainless Steel into continuous tumbling node!

Cold rolling, the market of Zhangpu/TISCO/JISCO 304 four feet stainless steel cold rolled mainstream price is 15400-15600 Yuan/ton, private of Chengde/Hongwang/Yongjin price is 14700-14800 Yuan/ton, individual origin price is 14000 Yuan/ton, various agency quotations are low, low prices are everywhere, all at the race track!

While the five feet cold rolling, with the market price fell, but spread between five and four feet is getting bigger. The price difference the usual four feet and five feet is between 200 to 300 Yuan/ton, TISCO four feet and five feet price difference 400 to  500 Yuan/ton, but JISCO four feet and five feet price difference 600-700 Yuan/ton. Why the price difference!

One is five feet less demand for resources, steel quantity is more less, the second is during the period of price increases, four feet big circulation, steel mill/agents focus on four feet resources, relatively scarce resources of five feet for stress is beauty is so high that is four feet/five feet no difference!

Keyword: stainless steel market, 304 stainless steel cold rolled sheet, 304 Stainless Steel cold rolled sheet price.