On September 20th Foshan market, in the morning, according to Huanan stainless steel mill agents guide price : 201 stainless steel hot rolled price is 8500 Yuan/ton, 304 stainless steel hot rolled sheet price is 14000 Yuan/ton, 304 Stainless Steel cold rolled price is 14700 Yuan/ton, the price is fall down 300 company to yesterday afternoon.
Ii is understand that the above price is prepared, the quotation is out, the market explodes into the pot.
Yongjin future spot price is 15100 Yuan/ton, the price fall down 100 Yuan/ton company to yesterday, and the market of private spot mainstream price still 15100-15200 Yuan/ton, a lot of agents price is 15300 Yuan/ton.
Keyword: 304 stainless steel cold rolled sheet price, stainless steel market.
Contact: HongYue Stainless Steel
Phone: 189 2998 9055
Tel: +86 (0)757 2932 8272
Email: info@hystainless.com
Add: HongYue Stainless Steel