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Stainless steel cold rolled price fall down, stainless steel hot rolling stick!

August 29th

On August 28th Foshan market, last week 304 stainless steel began to return the tune, in today’s differentiation.

It is understood that the private cold-rolled prices from last week's highest 16600 Yuan / ton callback to today's turnover of 15800-15900 Yuan/ton.

To three pm, the price raised again, the mainstream price to 16000-16100 Yuan / ton. During the period, excluding quote price or even 14400-14500 Yuan/ton.

Compare with 304 Stainless Steel cold rolled, stainless steel hot rolling is more domineering: the large number of basic seals, the small number of small households quote. Although the spot of Stainless steel strip excluding quote price is 14300-14400 Yuan/ton, the Stainless steel sheet price is 14500 Yuan/ton, but the amount is small.

According to today's price, stainless steel hot rolled sheet transaction price is 15800-15900 Yuan/ton, and stainless steel cold rolling shoulder to shoulder.

Stainless steel hot rolled hold, let stainless steel cold rolled out, so this afternoon’s tune.

Keyword: stainless steel cold rolled price, stainless steel hot rolled price, 304 Stainless Steel, stainless steel market, 304 stainless steel cold rolled sheet price, stainless steel hot rolled sheet price.